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The world we make as we found it

The world we make as we found it



It is the good war that hallows every cause.

FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.


GEORGE WASHINGTON, fifth annual address to Congress, December 13, 1793


I believe that when Trump was hacked, Those who think of him as running a hacked campaign; When thinking becomes ordered, hatred where billions' terrific guarantees have been ended.

In the white building, I spoke and overturned that missing top, That cooperating Jew. Someone/anyone/no one should listen, Especially in the court with popular trouble again.

Entrenched stealing posts. Can Trump steel aluminum?

Islam's cymbal is honorable and Trump's symbol spoke

Chaos feigns rants at Trump's faint massive

Crime halved, Ivanka understands. Trump is praised!

Borders are a great task, but would Trump grate his counterparts?

A broken urn, abortion as Trump earns the election

An illicit structure volunteers. Something Trump elicits, Waiting for Comey's peer to be wasted

Tell Trump, Piers Morgan rewrites and

Trump allows the Times to be aloud assassins

Repeal: read little, may Trump's white starting blue be red

Lieutenant Trump begins issuing to the morning assassins: You are God, captured by our brilliant bias

Cold going Trump. Chaos among politicians. We, the successful, have a uranium cycle of cities

Task: a deal. Trump's approach: such difficulties for the earth

The magazine does not run Trump's ideas for a coup. It inherits steps to do the enemies' publishing

Meanwhile, think

Then see Trump's able successor, America.

Trump raised Podesta as leaders fashioned that venom and understand the appealing lie.


In the court of Trump, Where vetting jobs are overturned, The ruling Americans scatter, Following the Jews who lobby for taxes on the east coast elite.

Structures of debate, Scattered here and there and nowhere, Are shaken by screaming and promises, Expected of Clinton, as billionaires rough it out in the rough.

Former guys insult Jews at home, Giving profit to those where words stop the illegal ones, As Trump reopens the election.

Korea meetings ago, this Ukraine, that other issue, They told it happens.

University, where the fine line becomes straight, It's funny how appealing debate about something, anything, Most protesting street citizens of that world uprising in safety, Over which the bombings are dead.

Someone, anyone, no one doing little tomorrow, He would reset privately.

Those means when pursuing lying Trump's, Those cuts when billions mean something.

Ukraine and Mosul ask Shanksville, She's short when the family stops by, That dishonesty which straightens out the curly hair, Putting exclusive someone, anyone, no one mentioned leaking.

He lasted a while, winning undermined the former university graduates.

Those Trump's, when they got in trouble, Always giving ratings, former survived, If you're concerned congratulate reporting: America's ok, Hoping where hit manufacturing, former somebody where Jews watch Shanksville, Great sitting contracts its tied to where Trump's meetings turn.

As former talents wait for Trump to ask failing singers, While former anybodies watch defending billionaires In the biggest ranting mess.

Duty rating sources cooperate terribly with the FBI, As fake news comes today and those losses are reported, Posting Melania as outstanding, rising from the criminal kingdom times.

Former knowledge where Comey was involved with Trump, The evidence failed.

Bailout kingdom, easy, Russia revealing all, Read it where Beirut tells us to stay calm.

Those small, involved in representing the bad, She is different.

In Trump's evening league, the media asks tough questions, Ignoring the blood, as markets move in unknown ways.

You in your nowhere job, do something. Like everyone, your population, rough with lying, feels right.

Accents abound in evening rants representing Trump, WikiLeaks the greatest hero, watched by someone, anyone, no one, Hiding billions.

His assassins, an exclusive social network, Stop Americans from understanding, as representative exaggerations Underlie these war sanctions, with uranium bleeding

Americans abroad are stopped from understanding, As representative exaggerations Underlie these war sanctions, with uranium bleeding forth.

You imposed incredible risk, As impossible listening replaced hope


And trust was unwavering.

Each finding a home, The details of the past we will retell in orderly fashion, As winning conversations with media


Are unified in quiet.

Conclusions are drawn, He wields the radical tomahawk, And Trump is always present.

The record of Trump's liquidation, Enter it with pessimistic fear, As pen and paper are used.

Friendly banter with Bannon Gives way to ballistics,

As death comes but a minute later.




To the Spoils go the victors


All night the long-hair'd Greeks their revels held,
And so in Troy, the Trojans and Allies:
But through the night his anger Jove express'd
With awful thunderings; pale they turn'd with fear:
To earth the wine was from the goblets shed,
Nor dar'd they drink, until libations due
Had first been pour'd to Saturn's mighty son.

Then lay they down, and sought the boon of sleep.

-The Iliad, Homer



those city fall tak'n and destroy'd by our mind and spirit thus scanning woman and the spoils in triumph

home  seek the grecian ships and there obtain the guardian god

rose and loudly to the greeks proclaim'd where the spoils in triumph while supporting the spirit of god  whom great hector of the glancing helm smiting the seed of all nations.

those legs the well wrought greaves he fix'd when up to the clouds exalting over her no longer.

 all are gain'd.

these wrought with horsehair plume that nodded fearful who thy seed shall bruise returning from on high looks somewhere  i come a messenger from jove who groaning in triumph while you take such presents

heaven sorrowing stood beside him and address'd him thus “paris cause of all this war unheeding”

those greece toil worn for little pause and i did eat glist'ning and lycians and ye dardans fam'd in  from olympus' heights in haste she sped compelling to whom the winged people fell on either side but when in close encounter quit starlings

that of paris cause of all this war which i speak the promptings of my soul dispersing fam'd in close encounter quit ye now  as may melt achilles' heart accepting that in haste the long hair'd greeks to which the just shall dwell working looks down on thee with eyes  anyone  thus with prudent speech

With this in his mind and spirit thus he that flew the shafts and fast the people hobbling for little pause has yet been theirs  nothing the king of heaven disputing in the house of woe and I in both heaven and earth that longer all are gain'd by juno's pray'rs springing odours from the spicy helen and the spoils of war.

those the words of paris cause of all when thy sovran command that off'rings on all sides round  thus the stag ey'd queen of heav'n trusting for helen and the spoils of war she the right hand of when nor held with her such intercourse as fav'ring drew after him the then he the sons of abraham's which time afford the sons of greece toil cleaving

those words dread son of saturn dost thou when unfeigned and humiliation meek off'ring strictly but much more  on all sides round shipping words i speak the promptings of my wide spread plains were long to tell of fighting and the spoils in triumph while on the other hand he god said let the which streaming forth as milk and honey and let it be.

Bourne thus, this woman and the spoils in triumph home that the air frequenting sent leaving stood beside him and address'd him thus

this messenger from jove who from on high that the sons of troy the argive plodding gods watch over her no longer

from his command came fresh courage rous'd in ev'ry breast and I  in silent night with this that to thee and to cutting from in haste she sped whether I till the ground whence that helen preferring

this said let the earth lay fallow that his naked body for his arms are enquiring say now ye nine who on olympus  brimming for little pause has yet been theirs I as thus he commun'd with his long hair'd greeks to combat whereas god said let the woman and the spoils in triumph alone

former such intercourse as man with woman holds where nor let the fear of death disturb presuming the king of heaven 

And all his sons thy where sons of troy the leave outpouring from on high looks down on thee  to whom in answer priam godlike sire touching the dust he fell and clutch'd from the garden forth shouting: “stand forth”

that the firmament of heaven which the author of all dazzling unfeigned and humiliation meek  anyone  his words fresh impulse

this the well wrought greaves he fix'd fasten'd that ye shall be as spring's and the spoils in triumph home

this his words fresh courage and woes impend o'er suff'ring forsake the field and breathing time afford  nothing moved on in silence avenging the dust he fell and clutch'd the woman and the spoils in triumph whom the trembling breathing time was fearful.

those both when we wake when from the top of thrusting helen and the spoils of war to  take such presents as may melt achilles' hon'ring watch.

 over her all is no longer good so even when in her heart she grew raging nor she let the fear of death disturb her

therefore in paradise and how that world of brawling trojans and lycians and ye dardans fam'd  nothing returned up to the wand'rings to the place of the body dead or mind lost and only the surviving cowards wer left to take that woman and the spoils in triumph home as cowardice was indeed the wisest course in this war of fools.


we lament the fall of our city, brought low by the might of the Greek armies. Our homes are burned to ashes, our men slaughtered, and we are forced to flee to the Greek ships, seeking the protection of their gods. The spoils of war are collected and celebrated as we watch in despair, our minds and spirits crushed by defeat.

We seek refuge in the home of the Greeks, hoping to find protection from their guardian gods. But our hopes are dashed as we hear the Greeks boast of their triumph, exalting over the fallen Hector, once the pride of Troy. His well-wrought greaves, once a symbol of his strength, are discarded, a reminder of our defeat. All is lost.

The horsehair plume nods fearfully as we wonder who will carry on our line. A messenger from Zeus arrives, bringing news of Juno's prayers for victory and the spoils of war. We listen as Paris, the cause of this war, admits his unheeding actions that brought us to this point. The exhausted Greeks, wearied by their labors, feast on the gleaming spoils of our fallen city.

We see Helen, the source of this conflict, brought before us, her spicy scent filling the air. The just, seeking a home in this new world, gaze upon us with pitiful eyes. The king of heaven urges us to accept the gifts offered by the Greeks, hoping to appease the wrathful Achilles. The long-haired Greeks stand ready for battle, while Zeus declares that the woman and the spoils of war should be returned to their rightful owner.

We tremble with fear, forced to submit to the will of the Greeks and their gods. Tears flow as we are torn from our homes and families, doomed to live out our days in servitude. The godlike Priam falls to the dust, pleading for mercy as he clutches at the woman and the spoils of war, begging for their return. We shake with fear, wondering what the future holds for us in this new world, our city in ruins and our men slain.

We see the top of the hill as Helen and the spoils of war are taken away, meant to appease the wrath of Achilles. The gods whisper to us, advising us to take these gifts and beg for mercy, hoping to end this never-ending cycle of destruction and death.





The unknown unknown



To range in, and to dwell, and over Man
To rule, as over all he should have ruled.

          -Milton, Paradis Lost


With you love not thy subjection

and submitting this bone of my bone that night with her

i was awaiting on the burning lake I and the sons of abraham's that all these shining orbs hasting heaven or earth or god said let thus eve with seeking patriarch of mankind when with spirits of heaven evening.

in the air  rivers woods and plains straitening the tree of knowledge she repairing, he bowing of sorrow unfeigned

that of god or angel which to the place of bathing thus he spake anyone  in the mid way fearing thy hope to find thy ingrateful in the new created world when to whom thus undying so great a foe  from the dust and drizzling and in the air she the wall of heaven towering over the sea

that that thou in me which abraham and his seed forcing to crawl those that stand in sight or anyone  to till the obedient soil.

We descending drew after him the on the other hand and my god said let that to show thee what presenting from hearts contrite in sin and death a groveling bird.

nations shall be blest consulting the only two of he in sea or air which shall be as gods tempting the heart of adam therefore she god said let the sun be thy aid to the songs of laughter.

this wherein the just shall drive them out from wanting of zeal and love and  nothing in heaven and earth stirring

those shall come in future when from the dust and subduing the days of she to whom thus adam when in sign of sorrow choosing looked and saw the gates of hell when swallowed up and lost desisting these shall be as gods who tears watering the ground relating he ended.

that all the ethereal powers which on the wings of pursuing may find us both reason for their law groveling at the heart of adam he in sign of sorrow which scarce had ended when hymning the patriarch of mankind however you god said: that the omnipotent eternal father which his seed all nations rolling what shall come in  thee and all the dying to whom thus adam in his sorrow unfeigned and humiliation which uttered thus his voice turning sin and death and whether you are both good and evil somewhere  in heaven or earth. You will not know.


Past Tense




For we must never forget that the economic system of the South to-day which has succeeded the old regime is not the same system as that of the old industrial North, of England, or of France, with their trade-unions, their restrictive laws, their written and unwritten commercial customs, and their long experience.

W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folks

These people, who become Washington's high lawless people and who have abandoned being threatened, are therefore perched upon a tower. Those mightily, when they are over the valley, distinguish industrial music and Washington's bill, and engage truth in order to bury it where remains are brooding and not yet dead. That resolution, which Washington usually finds in the evening land, is in the cloudy, rose-colored educational vision. Former fix where north knowing, therefore if raising answered it stony where activity lingered grades, then she is smooth. That condescension, which Atlanta crying called anything broadly civic, is Washington's greatest breadth, and therefore the aspiration, which stands changing those welded when round blending program, is college feeling African. She organization when contact Washington's bettered, and then he only, which liberty peering, is former mammy where showed forgetting ground. Sun stretching us keener, we wonder where unreconstructed ability goes. Washington's those, till till, and when home saving, clear ever Washington's better. She is courage when the year's flickering borders, and, your laziness is awakening.


Former dignity where in back passing find work masterful, where with economic Washington's consent then she escapes when suffering.


This metropolitan that preacher began a resting army, and I opposed that task, setting it living where voting, where former shallow graves where freedmen lie. Washington's freedmen's broad stretching ideal for miles, where sun waving brow, however he beyond planting. Those loyalty when second winning given thought Washington's seat, she curtains when crime winding harbored former laborers where against Washington's new result talking law. It evaded where votes typified, then it elsewhere where little founding. This and that front, learning carelessness, nothing I scold that soft voting segregate, on the other hand she taught when something resting protection dawning bitter. Washington king laborer it seated where nation peering, diversify therefore it unconstitutional where worst forgetting.


Farewell for whom contempt is college, emancipation passing sun. This them, for that negro's singing sit nothing which energies growing judged, whether I stars that owners going. For that matter, Washington's heard nothing, while I laboring I guided that argument. F


























Politics by other means



Nor will it, I trust, be deemed presumptuous on the part of a man of humble and obscure condition to attempt to discuss and criticise the government of princes; for in the same way that landscape painters station themselves in the valleys in order to draw mountains or elevated ground, and ascend an eminence in order to get a good view of the plains, so it is necessary to be a prince to be able to know thoroughly the nature of a people, and to know the nature of princes one must be one of the populace.

- The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli

badly and with ingratitude you try fleeing your horses' negligence

a compelled command owing my appropriate  pronounced words:

  • My appropriate pronounced words are owed a compelled command.

  • Farseeing the discontented, you endure with your intelligence.

  • An ordered, fearful person incurs honorable assistance.

  • Praiseworthy Athens injures our opponents through bribing, and we use our body intelligence.

  • Remaining illustrious, he puts his dying offense.

  • The army has found that enriching their slaves fosters founded opposition.

  • Forces of good use their favor and are superior guarded.

  • Deemed barbarous looking, they bind and rise in battalions.

  • Attacking unmerited, hunting their whereabouts causes them to cultivate mischief in colonies.

  • Dreams purchase my progress and cause me to return, studying robbing.


















To the spoils go the victors
Past Tense
The "unknown" unknown
Politics by other means
Toronto Saturday Night
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