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Dostoevsky’s the Idiot

Dostoevsky’s the Idiot

"As the winter winds began to blow, And the snowflakes started to fall, Two travelers met on a crowded train, Heading towards the city of St. Paul.
One was fair, with a pointed beard, Blue eyes shining bright, Wrapped in a cloak that was much too thin For the Russian winter's icy bite.
The other had hair black as coal, Eyes that burned with fire, He wore a warm astrachan coat, And a sly, sarcastic smile.
But despite their differences, They struck up a friendly conversation, As the train chugged on through the night, Towards the city's bright illumination.
The fair-haired man told his story, Of his travels far away, But now he was returning home, To spend the holiday.
The black-haired man listened with interest, As they talked on through the night, And when the dawn broke, they parted ways, Wishing each other a very merry Christmas sight.
For even on a crowded train, In the midst of winter's cold, The magic of the holiday season Can bring two strangers close."

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