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On Tucker and the people

selected comments from Tucker's youtube video on immigration (2017)

Tucker published a short video on the cost of illegal immigration to the United States on fox news. He claims a net cost of $13B. Of interest is the response of youtube viewers, shown above. They blame immigrants for the plight of American Veterans, the lack of groceries in their cupboard and the dire state of health care for the elderly.

The comments represent the impressions of the people. And they are awful.

Here are some examples with the most likes:

  • "64,000 homless Vets in America,,



  • deport all illegals. and build big tall wall.

  • Corrupt politicians on both sides, taking more care of illegals and less care for American citizens

  • How the Hell do Non- Citizens have Far More social benefits than citizens!!?

  • Deport ALL thirty million.

  • Deport and build the wall NOW!!!

  • This is becoming a big problem and most of these politicians support illegals


My impression of these impressions is fear. Americans are afraid. "white identity" grows with fear. Evil is not committed only by the aggressive bully but also by the fearful cowards in a pack. Sadly it is not only fox news propaganda that gives rise to these feelings. They are also a reaction against an ever narrowing span of legitimate debate in the free press.

The country cannot afford to be split down adversarial ethnic or racial lines. Attacking the "white male" and the ever growing category of "white privilege" in the media is driving the marginally confused borderline racists into the white identity camp. We need to fight the ideas and avoid fighting the people.

Otherwise there will be blood.

Here are a few of the longer comments. Are these the views of russian bots or actual Americans. It is hard to tell.

  • "The Issue is not Immigrants and the HAGs on the View know this! The Issue is the 14 million ""ILLEGAL"" Immigrants and the 4.2 Million Anchor Babies they had while ""ILLEGALLY"" residing in the USA! They are not Dreamers they are Illegals that broke the LAWS of the USA and came here illegally! And as far as benefits, surely you jest!

  • The 14 million Illegals and their 4.2 Million anchor babies that cost this Country over $185 Billion Dollars each year? According to a study in 1996 of the costs of illegal immigration by Rice Univ. economist, Dr. Donald Huddle, illegal aliens were displacing roughly 730,000 American workers every year, at a cost of about $4.3 billion a year, and the supply of cheap labor depresses the wages and working conditions of the working poor. The approximate doubling of the illegal alien population since the time of that estimate means that the number of jobs lost to American workers and the costs of displacement would also likely have more than doubled.

  • The costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are the education of their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes. Despite being ineligible, some illegal aliens also get welfare the same way they get jobs: with identity documents falsely identifying them as U.S. citizens. In addition, if they have U.S.-born children, they may collect welfare assistance in the name of those children. The annual net cost of illegal immigrants (after subtracting their tax payments) to the American taxpayer is likely to be more than $45 billion. Our study of the net fiscal The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians estimated the partial costs at $10.5 billion in that state alone.

  • Then there are the Health Risks! Because illegal immigrants, unlike those who are legally admitted for permanent residence, undergo no medical screening to assure that they are not bearing contagious diseases, the rapidly swelling population of illegal aliens in our country has also set off a resurgence of contagious diseases that had been totally or nearly eradicated by our public health system.

  • A June, 2009 article in the New England Journal of Medicine noted that a majority (57.8%) of all new cases of tuberculosis in the United States in 2007 were diagnosed in foreign-born persons. The TB infection rate among foreign-born persons was 9.8 times as high as that among U.S.-born persons.2 The article documents the medical testing process for TB required of immigrants and refugees, and this points to foreigners who are unscreened, especially the illegal alien population as the logical source of this disproportionate rate of TB incidence. It should also be kept in mind that among U.S. citizens who contract TB their exposure to the disease may well have come from exposure to a non-U.S. citizen.

  • The pork tapeworm, which thrives in Latin America and Mexico, is showing up along the U.S. border, threatening to ravage victims with symptoms ranging from seizures to death. ... The same [Mexican] underclass has migrated north to find jobs on the border, bringing the parasite and the sickness”cysticercosis”its eggs can cause[.] Cysts that form around the larvae usually lodge in the brain and destroy tissue, causing hallucinations, speech and vision problems, severe headaches, strokes, epileptic seizures, and in rare cases death.

  • Typhoid struck Silver Spring, Maryland, in 1992 when an immigrant from the Third World (who had been working in food service in the United States for almost two years) transmitted the bacteria through food at the McDonalds where she worked. River blindness, malaria, and guinea worm, have all been brought to Northern Virginia by immigration.

  • We're running an H.M.O. for illegal immigrants and if we keep it up, we're going to bankrupt the county.

  • Hey Hags of the View, if those are benefits from Illegal Immigration you can have them, we don't want them! There are no benefits to Illegal Immigration other than keeping wages and the Economy depressed!

  • Why don't the HAGS on the View bring someone on who will actually present the FACTS about how ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is Bankrupting the USA! That is because the HAGS are scared to allow the FACTS to be presented! Well I think they have been presented accurately above! The View and the HAGS on the View are nothing more than Anti-American Liberal Apologist's calling for its downfall!"

  • What's crazy is as hard working people are struggling to pay their bills & keep their children warm and fed, these illegals are getting vouchers (paid for by our taxes) and have no worries. As a Great-granddaughter of an Army Drill Sargent, (who was at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese struck the Island; along with her GrandFather, and as four Uncle's, along with her other Great Grandfather), worries bc she cannot find a full time job, nor does she qualify for any assistance, so as her electric is shut off in MI during the winter and it's -15 outside; u can rest assure that those illegals who cannot even speak a complete English sentence, their children has electric, they have all kinds of food to eat, hair & nails did!! Makes me sick, that's the sickening part......them numbers; we allowed it to get that bad!! I pray that We Americans would find Our back bone & Our balls before we no longer have a country!!! I don't know when as a country we are going to have our epiphany, and come together and see the lies and deceit that has plagued us since the early 1900's!!

  • There is no way in hell that there are only 11 million illegals living in our country. The media has been using that number for years. I bet there are that many just living in California and New York. Illegals don't fill out census forms so it stands to reason that no one really knows anything.

  • I'm so fed up with those other phony studies concluding that immigrants promote the economy. STOP lumping illegal immigrants and us legal immigrants together. We have come a LONG way, from obtaining a U.S. degree (usually STEM major), to finding U.S. employers who are willing to sponsor our working VISAs (H1b, and there is a cap each year, not a large one, so you really need some luck in addition to a willing employer), to applying for the green card (permanent residence), to citizenship finally. Through whole process we pay thousands of dollars of attorney fees, and it takes about 10 years, if not decades. Forgiving those who break the rules is punishing those who follow the rules.

  • How the Hell do Non- Citizens have Far More social benefits than citizens!!?

  • Sen. Rand Paul and his father before him have always said the most effective wall is the economic one. End all benefits for illegals and 1st generation 'immigrants' and you eliminate the attraction for economic immigrants who will not or cannot earn their own way.

  • Most illegals in my area work under the table. They pay no taxes and get many subsidies. Food stamps, housing, medical, and schooling (including free busing to and from school). They do pay into the system by buying hundreds of dollars in lottery tickets every week. They can afford to do this because they have almost no living expenses. They pay for things in cash because they are hiding their income so they can keep getting benefits. They get very upset if you charge them sales tax on items because they don't want to pat any taxes. They do send money back to relatives so they can afford to come here and reap the benefits too. It is funny when you ask them for ID and they all give you the same one with different pictures on them. If they ask for a refund they can't prove who they are. If you give them credit they disappear. Place I worked always gave credit to new families since it opened over 100 years ago. It was out of their own pocket that they did this no banks involved. They had to stop this when in one 6 month period last year. people just disappeared to the tune of about $38,000 our cost not profit just what it cost us to purchase the merchandise. Now they can no longer afford to help new family's just starting out.

And here we are...

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