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On Mexico

Popol vuh is more than just a Mayan creation myth, although it's probably one of the most interesting creation myths as far as they go.

Popol Vuh is not supposed to exist. The written legacy of Mayan culture was supposed to be exterminated by the Church in the early years of the Spanish conquest of America. A churchman in Guatemala living amongst the Quiche Mayans secretly chose to record the Popul Vuh as a way to preserve what he must have recognized as an important human cultural heritage. The document, called the Codex Maya, has a fascinating history in its own right.

By now you may realize that this article has nothing to do with Trump or The Wall. I apologize for the deception. Please keep reading.

Popol vuh today provides an insight into living that is used as spiritual guidance for Mexicans and others throughout the region, particularly around Mexico City ,where the indigenous identity has really become an important part of the way that the majority mestizo population sees themselves. The story serves as a set of ethical guidance and cultural anchors that lives on among many Mexican people today.

I first encountered Popol Vuh when I was very young. A friend had a VHS copy of Patricia Amlin’s 1986 epic watercolor animated feature length film version of Popol Vuh.The film is linked at the bottom. The story and the images (all taken directly from Mayan pottery and sculpture) was very engrossing. Watching the film as a child I could only barely understand the underlying motivations and meanings behind the action in the film. Just as a child would not understand the relevance of a virgin birth until they are older. However I easily understood the story of good triumphing over evil by way of intelligent trickery. Revenge also plays a strong role in the story. That I also understood.

There are better summaries available, however here is a very brief abbreviation:

After various attempts to create a living being to worship the creator, man is formed. Early man is plagued by the cruel jealousy of the gods of sickness and death who live in xibalba.

The story of popol vuh starts with two twin ball players who are tricked and killed in the underworld called xibalba. One twin’s head is hung in a tree where it bears forbidden fruit. The daughter of a Lord of xibalba (xibalba has many lords, like a demonic mount olympus) goes to the tree where that head of one of the brothers was hung and on that tree. she talks to the twin who spits out a seed which she takes in her hand and becomes pregnant with another set of twin boys. These twins are born are on Earth because the daughter of the Lord of Xibalba by does not believe that she could be pregnant on her own from just touching a tree. He orders the owls to take the daughter and sacrifice her, but the owls do not want to kill her. instead they take the sap of a tree and they use that sap to make a fake heart because the Lords of xibalba had demanded the heart of the girl. she then escapes with the owls and comes to Earth. Trickery saves the day.

On Earth she goes to the mother of the Twin ball players and says that she is her daughter-in-law and she's carrying twin babies. the mother also does not believe that it's possible that she could have the baby of the father because he's dead how could she have that baby so she tells her to go to the fields what are empty and to bring back a full basket of corn. She prays to heaven to provide her with corn even though the field is empty and strands of corn appear when she puts them into a basket and they grow to be full cobs of corn which she's able to bring back the grandmother now believes that she truly is Holy and agrees to keep her. Faith saves the day.

however when it's time to give birth the grandmother will not accept the baby twins and the grandmother already had grandsons from one of the twins who intern hate the two baby twins and they try to destroy and kill the twins; putting them on and Hills putting them on thorns but they survive and become great hunters end when the time comes they trick their older brothers into climbing up to a tall tree and pull them into thinking the only way that they could survive is if they grow tails and once they grow their tails they become monkeys and I never bother them again. They now inherit the fields of their half brothers and become great farmers. Later on they encounter a rat who teaches them that it is not their place to be either hunters or Farmers but instead to be great ball players.

and so they go down to the underworld to face the Lords of xibalba but unlike their father they defeat the Lords of xibalba, but even after surviving many trials they still must be killed. They would hever be left to survive. The twins recognize this and sacrifice themselves. They give instructions to the Lords on how to dispose of their bodies. These instructions ensure that they will themselves will be reincarnated. they come back to life and they go to xibalba and show signs and wonders such as killing things and bringing themselves back to life, burning things and rebuilding them. The Lords are so excited and eager for entertainment that they volunteer for themselves be killed and then to be brought back to life. The twins do not bring them back to life and therefore the horrible illnesses and destruction that the Lords of xibalba had once brought on Earth are now banished. their jobs done the twin brothers go to the sky to become the sun and the moon. To watch over men on Earth and to keep them protected forever after.

Today the film is available for free on Youtube. While the visual quality leaves something to be desired, the film remains a masterpiece. I recommend you take an hour and watch it. You will be richer for the time spent.

And here we are...

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