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On Honest Government Ads

In light of the President's recently declared state of emergency, it is worthwhile to highlight this amazing set of videos by Juice Media. First is MyPoliceState a parody advertisement for the creeping authoritarian surveilance apparatus that has been growing since before 9/11 but has really gained momentum in the US under the PATRIOT act.

Next are a set of parody tourism videos that bring back a strong clear message of what I would call the legitimate left-wing. In our world, and likely in the worlds of the past as well, greed unrestrained has the capability to cause excessive human misery. It is a job of the left to bring these issues to light, both to pressure the truly evil, where such individuals actually exist, but also and more importantly to enlighten the amoral powerful to the true nature of their deeds. Just as most workers want to do a good job, most leaders want to avoid evil. These parodies expose cynicism, corruption, cruelty and murder. While the focus of most of the videos is Australia, in every case the lessons are applicable to all resource-rich and trading nations of the world. A Saudi, Chinese, Russian or American can see their own world in these videos. The parody tourism videos, in order of impact are: East Timor:


West Papua:

Australian Bight:

Northern Australia:

Puerto Rico:

I am excited to see a prioritized focus on real human rights issues, as opposed to the type of blather we see in our politically correct discussion on human rights, (see Ontario's "Human Rights Tribunals")

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