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What you don't understand about Trump (but they do)

The people support Trump because he offers them a deal. In exchange for impunity, he will resolve the issues that burden their world. People who will vote for Trump will do so because they believe he is a solution to important real life problems. The public experience of the economic agenda of the Post-Reagan era has been the facilitation of a very painful capital flight under the guise of foreign investment and expansion. The private experience has been declining living standards. Where personal standards of living have not declined, the real fear of that decline has remained persistent almost everywhere for decades. Politicians on both sides of the aisle refused acknowledge the truth of experience for tens of millions of people. Other phenomenon matter too: The same ideology that enabled capital flight also encouraged automation. That ideology opened the door wider for dangerous speculation. These issues make life more precarious for people but they are not as visible and they do not feel like injustice the way a plant closure does.

While America's work was leaving at breakneck speed, America's work force was being supplemented by millions of newcomers. They look different. They speak another language. They keep to themselves. They fill a key demand of the labour market at a price point that is not being offered by Americans. Primarily because they are willing to accept a significantly lower standard of living in exchange for steady work and a lawful society. The immigrants are not here just for steady work. They are fleeing chaotic collapsing societies ruled by gangsters who operate more as warlords than as criminals. With no law, no order, these people are subject to outrageous exploitation and violence.low profit margin enterprises like restaurants survive by purchasing labor at the immigrant price point. Higher margin businesses like custom construction outfits earn exploitative profits on the back of the immigrant price point. In some cases the immigrants enabled businesses to exist that would otherwise fail. In other cases they displace employable Americans. The immigrants themselves filled the labor market gap but are not welcomed by the society. Worse than unwelcome. They are illegal. The law did not keep up with the market. A large group of Americans benefit from immigrant labor and an even larger group benefits indirectly from the availability of enterprises that would be impossible without immigrants. But an even larger mass of Americans has more to lose from immigration than they stand to gain. These Americans want the law enforced. Americans have observed these two issues with their own eyes for decades. The public discussion of these issues has remained stagnant and narrow. Public discussion has moved from print to television. The media represents a narrow particular point of view. The general media perspective is implicitly dictated from the owners of the media. Further the writers, producers and presenters adopt the public elite worldview. The media's self-interested and insular view point ignores the cold economic facts of life for the majority of Americans. For the first time in years a public personality has publicly rejected the public elite worldview. Trump acknowledged the systematic challenges for ordinary Americans. He diagnosed the problem and provided a prescription.

Why do Americans trust Trump. Trump made a deal with America. Trust that I will apply my prescription. I will solve your problem that the others refuse to even acknowledge. They trust him to keep his side of the deal. They ignore his lying and criminality. They are not blind to it. They see it and they ignore it because they did not ask for virtue. They asked for results. The people want expedient results. They are tired of smooth talk. The educated believe that if truth were revealed to the people they will reject Trump. No. The truth they believe is the trust of their lives. The finer details about taxes, payoffs, Russians, whomever, those details are for fancy folks. The people desire the coarse truth reflective of their lived experience. Trump delivers the simple coarse message. If that message leads to results the people will reward him with greater license. No matter what.

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