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Audre Lorde’s Xmas song

Audre Lorde’s Xmas song

Verse 1: It's the most wonderful time of the year But for some, it's filled with pain and fear Intersectionality and white privilege Are themes that we must address, not ignore or dismiss
Chorus: We are Audre Lorde's daughters and sons United in our fight for justice and love We won't let hatred and fear overrun Our holiday season, our hearts, or our love
Verse 2: Queer and trans folk face discrimination But we won't let their voices be silenced or silenced We'll stand with them, hand in hand And fight for their rights, for their dignity and land
Chorus: We are Audre Lorde's daughters and sons United in our fight for justice and love We won't let hatred and fear overrun Our holiday season, our hearts, or our love
Bridge: Let's use this holiday season to reflect On the ways in which we can respect All people, regardless of their race or gender Let's strive for a world that is fairer and kinder
Chorus: We are Audre Lorde's daughters and sons United in our fight for justice and love We won't let hatred and fear overrun Our holiday season, our hearts, or our love

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